Luggage Storage

Devices for network of paid storage lockers

About the project

Smartix storage lockers are used by the LUGGAGE-STORAGE network of automatic luggage storage devices in the center of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Customer initially aimed at a modern professional solution, which became the best alternative not only to the Moscow train station, but also to Vitebsk, Ladoga and Finlyandsky stations in St. Petersburg.

Solution description

Storage lockers offer different cell sizes and support customizable pricing with dynamic steps depending on the duration of storage. LUGGAGE-STORAGE uses a falling rate - the first hour is the most expensive, the next hours are cheaper every hour.

  • Software for luggage storage supports any variations of tariffs with falling, rising, jumping rates, the owner of the system independently decides how flexible the cost of storage will be.
  • Temporary access to things and re-opening of the locker supported.
  • Administrator can view online occupancy of the cells on all devices and opens the doors remotely in case of force majeure.

Storage locker's interfaces

The customer uses our standard interface, we are ready to offer individual stylization of screens, manufacturing of storage lockers with cells of various sizes and custom-made hardware.
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