Kazakhstan Public Service Centers

Parcel lockers for public service centers in 9 regions of Kazakhstan

About the project

НАО «Государственная корпорация «Правительство для граждан» выбрала постаматы Smartix для внедрения в Центры обслуживания населения (ЦОН - аналог российских МФЦ) в девяти областях Казахстана. Проект включает 14 постаматов, которые ежедневно и круглосуточно в автоматизированном режиме выдают документы по 11 наиболее востребованным у граждан услугам.

Площадкой для пилотного проекта стали филиалы ЦОН в Астане и Алматы, по итогам посетители успешно получили 2000 документов. Повышенный спрос на современный формат получения результатов обращений и положительные отзывы подтвердили необходимость масштабирования концепции постаматов на девять областей Казахстана.

Parcel locker for MFC for issuing documents

Parcel locker's features

In addition to results for various types of popular services, PSC clients also receive title documents and civil registration documents. When issuing this type of document, an identity verification system is required. Smartix parcel lockers are equipped with a module for biometric verification of the recipient and effectively solve this problem.

To comply with issuance security requirements, before opening the box parcel locker asks the client to scan their face through the built-in camera. The Smartix system makes a request to the PSC accounting system and receives the required percentage of identity match for the photographed client. If the acceptable threshold meets the preset 80-90%, cell opens. At the same time, for simple documents and certificates the threshold can be minimal or zero, so the document can be picked up for convenience by another person - a relative or a courier.

After the PSC employee has uploaded the document to the parcel locker, the client receives an SMS with a 6-digit receipt code and additionally with a link to a web service that allows him to go to a separate page through a smartphone browser. The web page contains detailed information about the location of the parcel locker on the map, QR for scanning at the parcel locker instead of manually entering PIN code, and a feedback form for contacting the PSC feedback system in case of errors during the execution of the service.

The Smartix web service for receiving orders allows to provide the maximum level of customer focus - contains QR code for quick and convenient opening of a cell without manual entry, provides better information content and reduces the cost of the number of characters in SMS (only PIN code and short link to the web page).


Smartix parcel locker system provides:

  • Exchange with the internal PSC accounting system data on the availability of free cells for insertings.
  • Exchange of data on the creation of transactions with client information (phone number, biometric threshold, etc.).

  • Tracking the status of deposit operations, including the ability of the central service center to send notifications to clients and synchronize reporting. And also for retrieving canceled documents after exceeding the overdue threshold in days.
  • Monitoring equipment failures for timely response by engineers and troubleshooting.


Kazakhstan public service centers meet international standards and continue to develop self-service areas. Smartix parcel lockers are one of the key components of the “smart service” concept - they solve all tasks of automating the issuance of documents, fully meet customer requirements for software and hardware, and offer visitors flexibility, convenience, speed and security.
“Residents choose a convenient time and the nearest point, come and pick up documents. Parcel locker is equipped with 62 cells, our employees insert documents, clients receive an SMS notification 24 hours in advance and can open the cell within 3 days” - noted Arailym Aizhanova, the head of the Medeu department of the Public Service Center in Almaty.
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